Check out below for some passover activities and resources my family has put together over the years. Keep in mind that these were made for personal use, and might have some content that is not relevant to your family. 


30 Mad Gab cards - most of them are about Passover, but some of them have to do with my family. Part of the game is guessing which is which! Email me if you're stuck on any of these. 

Download the Passover Mad Gabs here. 

If you've never played Mad Gabs before, click here for the rules.

This is a three-page instruction guide (addressed to my Father) for an activity that places a stuffed elephant on the seder table, and asks every participant to come up with their own symbolism for why an elephant might belong at the seder. (Obviously the elephant can be replaced by any item you want, but you will need to have some reason prepared for why you chose it.)

Download the elephant activity here

Part Two of this activity (not in the download) encourages each participant to bring their own item they think belongs at the table. Each person will have a chance to argue for the relevance of their symbol, and through some process (democratic, autocratic, gladiator match) a decision will be made which item is the best Passover symbol. That symbol has won a spot on the table for next year's seder. 

Passover Cranium

I actually created this when I was working at YU, and it was part of the 5768 Passover To Go family booklet. It's basically Cranium - Passover style. Instructions included. 

Download Passover Cranium

Screenshot 2014-03-21 01.48.08.png

Our Family Haggadah

This has been a labor of love for my family for many years. We have pieced together this book that serves as our official Haggadah, and encapsulates everything that is great about our family. 

Download the latest edition of our Haggadah.
